Click a name below to read the full the letter of recommendation.
Manager, AFS-230 (Retired)
FAA (Retired)
Managing Director - Flight Training, Delta Airlines
Advisor for Human Factors, FAA
Professor of Psychology, University of New Mexico
Professor of Psychology, University of New Mexico
Director of Operations, Kalitta Air
Head of Training, The Boeing Company
Director of Training, Southern Air
"In short, he successfully designed, authored, and managed the entire transition of Delta’s pilot training program to an FAA approved AQP. The resulting program was both well received by Delta’s pilot population and praised by the FAA."
Thomas Longridge, Ph.D
“Fred’s AQP team did such a good job of developing documents and templates that the FAA still features many of his products in their guidance for both FAA inspectors and for other airlines.”
Doug Farrow, Ph.D
“One of our major research efforts was to develop and validate programs to train and calibrate instructor/evaluators. The work would not have been possible without the efforts of Captain Kirijan and his team at Delta.”
Timothy Goldsmith, Ph.D
“Of the many talented individuals from the various carriers that I worked with to move the industry into the AQP world, I thought that Fred stood alone in his vision and understanding of the big picture.”
Peder Johnson, Ph.D